Welcome to the ninth issue of the Anarchist Review of Books, produced by a collective based in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Baltimore, Berkeley, Chicago, Exarchia, New York, Oakland, and Richmond. As we go to press, Americans are learning the hard way what democracy looks like. The 47th U.S. President and First Lady have released cryptocurrencies named $TRUMPContinue reading “About This Issue – ARB #9 Winter/Spring 2025”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Read ARB #3
Download Issue #3Winter/Spring 2022 Get the entire issue (now sold-out) as it appeared in print, at no cost. Read it on your phone or desktop, or print it out in all its glory to share with everyone. The Anarchist Review of Books is supported entirely through in-store sales, subscriptions and donations – if you likeContinue reading “Read ARB #3”
About This Issue – ARB #3
Welcome to the third issue of the Anarchist Review of Books, produced by a collective based in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Exarchia, New York, Oakland, and Seattle.We bring you this issue at a time of new variants, mass resignations and strikes, of seemingly futile calls to open borders, close prisons, and lower emissions, of supply chainContinue reading “About This Issue – ARB #3”
About This Issue – ARB #2
Welcome to the second issue of the Anarchist Review of Books, produced by a collective based in Atlanta, Austin, Exarchia, Chicago, New York, Oakland and Seattle. ARB publishes subversive, non-academic, non–dogmatic writing with an anti-authoritarian perspective. We are dedicated to transforming society through literature and through open, incisive critique of the media, politics, history, artContinue reading “About This Issue – ARB #2”
About This Issue – ARB #2
Welcome to the second issue of the Anarchist Review of Books, produced by a collective based in Atlanta, Austin, Exarchia, Chicago, New York, Oakland and Seattle. ARB publishes subversive, non-academic, non–dogmatic writing with an anti-authoritarian perspective. We are dedicated to transforming society through literature and through open, incisive critique of the media, politics, history, artContinue reading “About This Issue – ARB #2”